In this Letter:

  • Note from Jane, Executive Director
  • Recognizing Abortion Recovery Awareness Month
  • Staff Highlight
  • Golf Tournament 2024 Highlights
  • Client Story Highlight
  • Volunteer Highlight
  • Men’s Ministry Update
  • Ways to Get Involved
  • Upcoming Events

Newsletter Quick Links

Dear Friend of Life,

We are halfway through 2024 and continue to celebrate 25 years of God’s faithfulness to BRPC. Our list of praises is innumerable, but our donors and volunteers are #1! Your sacrificial giving has made it possible for us to continue to stand in the gap between life and death, darkness and light. So far, in the first five months of 2024, 51 patients considering abortion chose LIFE, the gospel was shared with 91, and 99 parents were educated in our Life Center. That’s 52 babies saved (one was twins); 102 parents spared the regret of abortion; 91 who heard the GOOD NEWS, and over 50 families strengthened. What a privilege it is to speak LIFE into those we serve!

Additionally, a patient whose chemical abortion was successfully reversed last Fall through Abortion Pill Reversal recently delivered a healthy baby – a precious life rescued from death – a direct result of your partnership and generous support. TOGETHER, we empower LIFE. We rejoice and thank God for you!

We rejoice, but cannot rest on our laurels. Abortion pill use without a doctor visit or ultrasound remains rampant. A new abortion clinic opened in Danville, and another opens soon in Vinton. The need is critical for BRPC to reach more who need our services, which means our financial needs continue to increase. Abortion is lucrative in VA, where it is legal through 26 weeks, 6 days gestation. Abortion providers and patients travel from states with restrictions or bans in place to end the lives of innocent preborn children in VA. We MUST intercede.

There are many opportunities for you to continue to support and engage in the life-affirming work of BRPC. We are excited to witness all the ways God will continue to use you to partner with us. Incredible things happen when God’s children step out in faith and obedience. We MUST continue to STAND FIRM together in a culture that promotes the message “YOU must die so I can live” to empower LIFE through compassion, help, and the HOPE of Jesus who says, “I must die, so YOU can live.” 

For His Glory,
Jane Oliver, Executive Director


April: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

This past April, we took intentional moments to recognize Abortion Recovery Awareness Month. Our Unhindered Director Jordyn Kingery and long-time friend Joanna Rader bravely shared their stories and the need for churches to support those struggling with unresolved grief after a past abortion. Please take a moment to watch the video.

Because the abortion rate is nearly the same inside the church as it is outside, BRPC is dedicated to providing post-abortive recovery care through our Unhindered program. We want to equip and help churches and church leaders to invest in their congregations, reaching those who need to find healing. If you are a leader of a church and are interested in partnering with us in this area, or, if you are an individual seeking healing, we would love to connect. Contact Jordyn Kingery at for more info.

Cheryl Cunningham

Staff Highlight

We are so excited to welcome Cheryl Cunningham, who joined us in March! Serving as our Outreach and Administrative Coordinator, Cheryl comes to us with 14 years of prior pregnancy center experience. She has been such a blessing to BRPC. 

Cheryl is a mother of 6 (two born in heaven) and married to her high school sweetheart of 38 years. She is a preacher’s daughter who enjoys writing and has even authored two books. Though Cheryl is currently Grammy to just one, those who know her know…“ALL babies need me.” For Cheryl, her pregnancy center work began with saving babies but that passion soon grew to saving souls. Cheryl is a “happy helper” whose greatest goal is to shine for Jesus in all she does. 

Golf 2024 highlight

We had an amazing time at our 12th Annual Be a Hero “Fore” Life Golf Tournament! THANK YOU to all of our wonderful sponsors and players who made this event possible. We had a total of 26 sponsors and 202 players! Thank you also to our volunteers and interns who helped make the day run so smoothly. We are so thankful for all those who came out to support life. 

Client Story Highlight

Regan Ultrasound

Regan* knew the feeling of being pregnant. She had been pregnant in October of 2023, and despite coming into the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center three times, she had ultimately chosen to abort. She didn’t know what to do with this new pregnancy, but she knew she didn’t want her life to be marked with another abortion. She picked up the phone and contacted the center again. She reached the advocate she had met with before and made an appointment. Walking back into the center, she knew what she was going to do. This time it would be different.

As she met with the advocate and the nurse, she shared how traumatic the abortion had been. She had waited so long she had to have the surgical abortion. She said she cried the whole time and kept apologizing to God over and over. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” The abortion workers thought she was talking to them, and told her it was all right. She told them she was talking to God and not to them. She cried the whole way home. She felt temporary relief, but also sadness.

This time would be different. The abortion experience pushed her into a closer relationship with God. She shared how she had dropped out of school temporarily, but was back in and getting ready to graduate soon. The Bible that was given as a gift in the first visit was a treasured companion. She shared how she had given up alcohol, and was looking for a church to get involved with. The nurse and the advocate rejoiced with her in all of her accomplishments. As they went into the ultrasound, it was a different feeling. She was excited this time around to know how the baby was developing, to see the heartbeat. Regan is now enrolled in the Mommy Mentorship program and waiting to attend our Pregnancy and Life Skills Class. She is making positive changes, and is excited about being a mom. This time is going to be different. And it is.

*Name changed to protect patient privacy

Volunteer Highlight: Judy Taylor

Judy Taylor

Five years ago, Judy first learned about BRPC through hearing an ad that EquipFM, a local radio station, did for the Center. She was immediately interested in volunteering and has now been serving as a Volunteer Patient Advocate for over two years. Judy was drawn to this kind of work due to her heart for women, especially those who are abortion minded.

When she was sixteen years old, Judy found herself faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Sadly, her parents decided for her that she would have an abortion, something Judy wasn’t even fully familiar with. Trusting her parents, she proceeded with the abortion, which became a wound that she carried for many years. When Judy met Julie Tompkins, our Patient Services Director, and BRPC’s former Executive Director just a few years ago, they encouraged her to attend the Deeper Still Retreat in TN. There, she found full healing and forgiveness in Christ. Judy’s abortion and healing experience grew her heart immensely to reach other women facing unplanned pregnancies, and it has enabled her, through the Spirit’s leading, to speak life and truth over many BRPC patients. On days where she faces discouraging conversations with women who still choose abortion after seeing their baby’s heartbeat, she reminds herself of Romans 8:28, that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Even something that was meant for evil, God can use for good, just as He did with her story.

I would encourage other men and women to serve as advocates because it is so needed. I think many women and men are deceived in thinking that abortion is okay, that it’s healthcare. They don’t look at the pregnancy as a human life. But here we have the opportunity to share with them the truth, that this is God’s creation, and this child is fearfully and wonderfully made. And if what I say under the guidance of the Spirit can make a difference in this little unborn child’s life, that will help the parent make the decision to not choose abortion, that’s worth doing.

Embrace Grace

Judy will be leading an Embrace Grace support group for single pregnant women at Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church, beginning Wed, Sept 4, 6:30-8:30pm (dinner provided at 5:45). If you are or know a single pregnant woman in need of extra support and community, please share this information! The group is free and women can sign up at by searching their zip code.

Men's Ministry Highlight

From Alaric West, Men's Ministry Director

Alaric West

John* came to BRPC with his girlfriend, who was considering an abortion. Despite recently learning that the child was not his, he wanted to encourage her to choose life. The male advocate who met with John educated and equipped him to advocate for the child’s life and support mom. A relationship was built over several counseling sessions and he became connected with a local pastor. Eventually, John’s girlfriend chose to continue with the pregnancy and the advocate plans to remain in contact for future discipleship.

Because this young man was able to be counseled at BRPC, he had the courage to “rescue those being led away to death” (Proverbs 24:11-12) by sharing God’s truth about life with his girlfriend. This story is just one example of the many opportunities available through partnering with the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center.

To connect with Alaric West, email

*Name changed to protect client privacy

Ways to Get Involved

Male and Female Volunteer Patient Advocates Needed

At Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, an Advocate is more than just a volunteer. This is someone who empowers life-affirming pregnancy decisions by coming alongside men and women facing unexpected pregnancies to offer options counseling, support, resources, the Gospel message, and hope.

If you have a passion for life and families, a story to share, or a heart for ministering to others who are making hard choices, this is for you. If you are interested, contact us at or visit to apply for our extensive hands-on training and be a part of saving and transforming lives!

life center needs

Family Night Meals

The Life Center hosts Family Nights for our clients and their families. There’s often a class accompanied with the evening (i.e. CPR, budgeting, etc.), and a meal is provided for the attendees. If you’d like to bring a meal for Family Night, please click here.

Material Goods

Our Life Center gives class participants items such as baby clothes, teethers, burp cloths, and so much more. Click here to visit our Amazon Registry and view our current needs. We are always in need of diapers and wipes! Thank you in advance for helping us provide these material needs to moms and dads in our community. 

Save the Date!