About Us

Who We Are

We are a faith-based 501-c3 non-profit in the state of Virginia. We exist to help families experiencing an unplanned pregnancies by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental environment.

Our Mission

The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center exists to save lives and comfort those involved with unplanned pregnancies or in need of pregnancy support while furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

To create a culture of life and strengthen families in our community by becoming a first option for those facing unplanned pregnancies and empowering life-affirming pregnancy decisions.

Who We Serve

We offer free services to anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy or is in need of support after their decision. All of our services are free and confidential and are offered without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability, or other arbitrary circumstances. Learn more about our full list of services below and how we serve our community.

Our Services

Supporting men and women facing unexpected pregnancies or seeking post abortive help.

Pregnancy Decisions & Beyond

All our services are offered at no cost to our patients. Ultrasounds are one of our most-requested services. Studies have found that over half of abortion-minded women who see their unborn child via ultrasound will choose life for that child.

For moms and couples who have chosen to parent, we provide pregnancy and parenting education programs. Patients and their partners learn essential skills which equip them to become successful parents. This is an incentive-based program through which patients earn participation points which can then be spent in our Baby Boutique for necessary items such as baby clothes, diapers, wipes, etc. All the items in our Baby Boutique are supplied through donations from individuals, churches and organizations.

If our patients chose to make an adoption plan, we provide referrals for adoption agencies and pro-life adoption attorneys so they have the support they need.

For women who have had an abortion in the past, we can provide counseling and abortion recovery support groups and bible studies. 

Our Services

Services offered inside our medical clinic include but are not limited to:

  • Pregnancy testing

  • Pregnancy options consultations – we do not perform or refer for abortions

  • Ultrasounds

  • Pregnancy support

  • Parenting classes and education

  • Support for fathers

  • Material assistance

  • Sexual risk avoidance education

  • Adoption, medical, and community referrals

Abortion Recovery

In addition, we offer the service of post abortive healing through Bible Study or retreat referral.

After an Abortion

Abortion can have devastating effects on a woman of any age. Hope, healing and freedom is available to you. Whether a woman’s abortion took place recently, or several years ago, it’s important to talk about your experience with people who will love and support you.

Symptoms after an Abortion

Depending on the severity of her symptoms, we can help her begin a journey of healing or refer her to a professional counselor for assistance. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Psychological “numbing”

  • Guilt and blame

  • Depression

  • Substance abuse

  • Re-experiencing events related to the abortion

  • Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues

  • Interruption or disruption of the bond with children

  • Risky sexual practices

  • Self-destructive behaviors or reactions

Hope and Healing

If you have had an abortion in your past and are experiencing or have experienced any of these symptoms, you are not alone. Contact us to talk to someone who will offer compassion and help you feel heard and valued.

Hope and healing are waiting for you. Break the silence today by filling out this application to get started.